What is Geek Grab Bag? It’s a collection of odds and ends found throughout the week from the Internet. Send in your submissions to be featured in future issues of the column to brandon@thescifichristian.com.
Buy a replica of the Captain’s chair from the original Star Trek series for $5,499.99
Sac State Jazz Singers cover Battlestar Galactica’s “All Along the Watchtower”
Todays featured T-shirt at Riptapparel.com is an E.T./Predator inspired design.
Today’s featured shirt at TeeFury shows us a Lost inspired “Long Live Charlie” design.
Game of Thrones’ Peter Dinklage as Wolverine by artist Brandon Bird.
I’d just need to wire in some hot-keys and that chair would make WoW so much more awesome.
I loved this version of “All Along the Watchtower!”