What is Geek Grab Bag? It’s a collection of odds and ends found throughout the week from the Internet. Send in your submissions to be featured in future issues of the column to max.pfeffer@yahoo.com
The Starship Enterprise Coffee Table – Created by Barry Shields.
The Incredible Obama – Created by Ron English. If our president looked like this, I doubt that any world leader would want to mess with him.
This makes me want to play the original three games so badly.
And I would like to play the Mario games with this gigantic NES controller.
19th Century depictions of R2-D2 and C-3PO.
Fantasy authors Brent Weeks, Patrick Rothfuss, Peter V. Brett, Joe Abercrombie, Myke Cole, Scott Lynch, Elizabeth Bear, Saladin Ahmed, Jay Lake, and Jim C. Hines sitting down to a friendly game of Dungeons and Dragons. Is this how they all come up with their story ideas?
Matt Smith and James Corden on Doctor Who Confidential.
Are those generic 19th century depictions of the droids, or is R2 supposed to be Sherlock Holmes? That’s what the Meerschaum pipe leads me to think. Another great roundup, Max!
It’s nice to know that the Tardis folk are as mad as their characters.