Episode 84: Sci-Fi Feedback

October 8, 2012

Featuring Matt Anderson and Koby Radcliffe

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8 comments on “Episode 84: Sci-Fi Feedback

  1. Michael Oct 10, 2012

    Frankenstein Barth say, “All schisms BAD. Internal Sci-Fi Christian feuds BAD! Koby and Ben need reconcile NOW! Friends GOOD!”

    (This message has been paid for by Friends of Frankenstein 2012 – Daniel Butcher knows why )

  2. Michael Oct 10, 2012

    A quibble with Tom: Good point, but isn’t the narrator of the framing story of Frankenstein actually a ship’s captain (or someone on a ship) writing back home to a relative (his sister?). and not Mary Shelley herself?

    Kudos to Francisco for his new segment! I hope we can hear more of these reviews in the future. I was surprised you rejected it, though, since you had several positive things to say. But a fantastic segment – very awesome! I wonder if we’ll get a new DVD or Blu-ray release of this Rankin-Bass one in advance of the Peter Jackson film.

    So, “Matt Anderson” (if that *is* your real name) – does that make you a “Primeval” rip-off? I think your book should be about your parents traveled forward in time to steal a name for their baby from an early 21st-century BBC drama! 😉

    Fun episode, guys (even if you did both recommend BSG over Farscape without having seen the latter. I sense a website essay series coming on…!)

  3. Francisco Ruiz Oct 10, 2012

    @ Michael: Thank you for the feedback 😀 – my rejection was mainly because the cons just hedged out the pros, not because there weren’t good things to find in it (as you said there were several things I liked).

    I think it would be neat to see them remaster or even update the animation for a Blu-ray release (similar to how they re-did the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion), which would definitely make it worth watching again.

    • Totally understand the rejection, Francisco! Because of the dated style, that movie is NOT for everyone!

      I love it, but mainly for nostalgic purposes. It holds a very, very special place in my heart from when it would be aired on Saturday afternoons when I was a kid.

      I was glad that my kids liked it, but I know that my son will like the movie much, much more. And I know I will too.

  4. Daniel Oct 10, 2012

    Mike, it’s amazing how a small image can stick in your mind for years. When I was a kid one of my teachers had a Frankenstein for President poster up in the elementary classroom, and I have been supporting him ever since.

  5. You’re asking how Strangers and Aliens NOT going to the Batman Ballet gives us a point in our feud?

    It’s strictly a mathematics thing.

    We have three hours of our lives not sullied by the rancid, lingering memories of that travesty. With four of you attending, you enabled that show to suck 12 hours of life from the universe. 12 hours of life was sacrificed to dancing Scarecrow on stilts. (Actually, in all seriousness, there’s the making of a good story there! Maybe the book you say you’ll write?)

    We have $45 of our money that did not go to feed this machine that gorges itself on unsuspecting victims’ hard earned cash. Think on this, nemeses. Three men were given $45. One man invested it, and when his master returned home it had doubled in value. Another man hid it in the dirt, and when his master returned home he was asked why he did not invest it. He answered, “I knew you were a harsh master” and that money was given to the first man. The third man used his $45 to go to see a show called Batman Live In Tights! When his master returned home, he asked him how he invested the money he had been entrusted and the man answered, “I spent it on a stage show featuring a comic book character that made me want to vomit my horridly cooked hotdog.” The master wept.

    One thing we DON’T have: the bonding brought on when a group of friends experiences and survives an unimaginable horror together. I’m just picturing you guys on your way home, singing together like Richard Dreyfus and Roy Schneider at the end of Jaws as they kicked their way to shore using the remains of their broken boat to stay afloat.

    Or Hicks, Ripley, and Newt at the end of Aliens. (Forgetting Alien3, of course.)

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