Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono
“Transformers: The Last Knight” gets some surprising casting. Plus, we discuss other news!
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Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono
“Transformers: The Last Knight” gets some surprising casting. Plus, we discuss other news!
Donate to help the Water Fund here: https://www.onedayswages.org/thescifichristian
August 4, 2024
April 17, 2024
September 11, 2023
July 12, 2023
I’ve been a listener for about 9 months and enjoy the rapport you guys have. You’re informative and witty and you’re one of my top 5 podcasts. I really enjoy the news episodes, but I was a little disappointed to hear that several related points could have been added to the news items were overlooked, left unmentioned, or simply unknown.
For instance, Wesley Snipes is interested in doing a Blade sequel, but did you know that Marvel has been planning to bring in a new Blade to comics and TV in the form of Blade’s daughter? The comic series was solicited by Marvel last summer to be released in October 2015, but then cancelled without comment. The rumor was that the decision was related to the new movie/TV treatment. Lots of things were up in the air and the comic would have to fit in with these plans – or at least, not contradict them too much. Who knows what’s happening with it now? But, if Wesley Snipes were going to return to the character, this seems like an appropriate way to do it. “Poppa Blade” indeed.
As for Sandra Bullock, she had a moderate hit last year with “Our Brand is Crisis,” but I wanted to go back mention something about “The Blind Side” film from 2009. I wasn’t interested in it at first either, at first, but as Christians, you guys may want to revisit this family film, which contains a godly message of hope and redemption featuring real-life role models in this Christian family who decide to help an under-privileged teen. I watched it and wound up enjoying it immensely, although I wasn’t sold on Bullock’s southern accent. (More here: http://bit.ly/1sHSYCB )
Finally, when the topic of Mel Gibson came up, I was surprised neither of you seemed to be aware of the news that Gibson and his ‘Braveheart’ writer, Randall Wallace, are working on a sequel to The Passion of the Christ that will tell the story of the resurrection of Jesus. Seeing as how the through-line for this podcast is Christian faith, I thought you guys might like to know that. The Passion is one of the most powerful films centered on Christ that I have ever seen and I have always hoped the filmmakers would revisit that tale following the resurrection. I am certain it will be better than this Easter’s ‘Risen,’ which wasn’t bad, but it was a bit too procedural and slow for my tastes. (More here: http://bit.ly/25OA4Md )
Thanks again for the podcast.