First Look at Amy Adams as Lois Lane

August 16, 2011

The photos below show us our first look of Amy Adams on the set of Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel as….Amy Adams. Well technically she is Lois Lane but the departure from her usual girl next door look does not seem to be drastic at all. When I heard that Amy Adams would be playing Lois Lane, at first I did not want her to play the part because I am a fan of her being a redhead. I could not imagine her with black hair. It appears though that they have gone the way of strawberry blonde. On the spectrum of Superman including comics and the films, Man of Steel appears to be throwing out all our expectations and creating a tangent universe on the other side of the spectrum. What do you all think about it?


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4 comments on “First Look at Amy Adams as Lois Lane

  1. these pictures prove just how far of a stretch fans need to make to visualize a comic book movie. LOL. what is she at a luggage terminal??

  2. while the superman picture was really cool, this one leaves a lot to be desired. Not exactly what I think of when I think of Lois.

  3. Michael Aug 16, 2011

    I don’t have a real clear mental image of Lois Lane. Hair color is usually black when I picture her, sure, but that seems entirely incidental. I think Adams is a strong actor and I look forward to seeing what she does with the role. Since these apparently weren’t intended as publicity shots, I wouldn’t read too much into them.

  4. I’ve always liked reimaginings of old heroes and villains, so I’m not worried about her visual design. However, I am excited to see what Amy Adams brings to this unique role. She is a really innovative actress.

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