What is Geek Grab Bag? It’s a collection of odds and ends found throughout the week from the Internet. Send in your submissions to be featured in future issues of the column to brandon@thescifichristian.com or max.pfeffer@yahoo.com.
Spiderman Fightes Hurricane Irene on the East Coast
A Dalek cake.
34 foot Optimus Prime Statue in China
Who Wouldn’t want their very own Stargate?
“Really cool.” Rim shot, ladies and gentlemen!
Nice collection in the grab bag this week, Max! I especially like the Dalek cake. Now, if the Daleks had taken on Hurricane Irene… that I’d pay good money to see. (Well, actually, no. But I’d still like to see it!)
What a wonderful way to fight daleks, cakify them and eat them.