What is Geek Grab Bag? It’s a collection of odds and ends found throughout the week from the Internet. Send in your submissions to be featured in future issues of the column to max.pfeffer@yahoo.com.
In honor of the season six finale of Doctor Who, I’ve decided that the appropriate time for an all Doctor Who Grab Bag is now! So without further adieu:Doctor Who Cheat Sheet: Created by Bob Canada
My Little Cyber-Pony: created by Kelsey Wailes aka EatToast
Time Traveling Cats? Geronimo!
Weeping Angels Halloween Costume. Don’t look away.
The Tardis Bag made of Duct Tape: It’s bigger on the inside.
Tardis Prime: Graphiclab teeshirts. That is one heck of a Sonic Screwdriver.
Doctor Who advertisement
A kitty Police Box! Brilliant!
Awesome, Max, every entry. Thanks!
The my little cyberpony is seriously creepy.
” Yah. I was trying not to stare at it.” King Julian
I just had to say you had me laughing at work. It haenpps most often that I find something funny but not often I laugh out loud. keep it up.
Max do you have a evil laugh? Because you have a master plan (it’s a good master plan by the way). Also do you have henchman (or henchkids?) maybe a lair?