The SFC’s Battle Royale

March 9, 2012

Coming soon: The SFC’s Battle Royale. You will bear witness to a ‘What If’ sort of event in which heroes and villains from some of your favorite movies, television shows, and video games will be pitted against one another in battle.

The SFC team is currently at work on choosing the characters for this fantastic event. Once chosen, we will place the fighters into a bracket and the games will begin. You, our loyal fans, will be able to vote for the winner of each match throughout each round. Once the votes are tallied, one of our SFC contributors will write a short story to be featured on the website, depicting the battle’s outcome. This process will continue until a victor has been crowned champion over all.

Stay tuned.

(Thanks to’s Cage Match for the inspiration)

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3 comments on “The SFC’s Battle Royale

  1. This sounds so awesome! Are you going to include non-action hero characters like Jack Sheppard, Picard, and the Doctor?

    • Yeah! Basically the idea is, seeing as how this a trial run because we’ve never done this before, all of the SFC contributors involved are picking any genre characters that they want, and then when all is said and done, we will place them into brackets (This could mean you could see someone like Doctor who potentially battling Darth Vader). Maybe next year, if this is a hit, we will let the viewers vote on which characters they want to be in the tournament.

      • Oh, and we aren’t doing superheroes, as most of them would pose an unfair advantage.

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