Round 3: Fight!

May 15, 2012

And it’s back! I apologize for the long delay but certain life circumstances have hindered me from continuing on with the SFC’s first annual Battle Royale. But now, my friends, it continues. I know that I promised stories depicting the outcomes of the battles; however, it looks as though I will have to break that promise. Again, my apologies. But I will write stories depicting the semi-finals and the final battle. For now, let the voting begin for the semi-finals! Below you will find the updated bracket. Click the image to enlarge.

Round 3: Match 1: Spike Versus River Tam!


Who Will Win?

Round 3: Match 2: Teal’c versus The Doctor!


Who Will Win?

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13 comments on “Round 3: Fight!

  1. 7-18 Ace May 15, 2012

    A Whedon vs. Whedon. My theory, one of the Whedons will end up in the finals… Genius!

  2. Palindrome May 15, 2012

    Gah! Whedon versus Whedon, so hard to choose…

  3. You might just be right!

  4. I know, this was by far the hardest for me.

    • Palindrome May 16, 2012

      Trying to decide in terms of who would actually win didn’t make it any easier.

  5. Vince May 18, 2012

    Spike wins. The Doctor wins. Then The Doctor wins that battle.

  6. River is going to destroy everybody!

  7. Daniel May 21, 2012

    Lord Vader demands a recount!

  8. This is a little suspicious. How did Vader go out so early?

  9. How did Vader not win this thing…honestly this has to be a fix or just a joke

  10. Doc beats the Stargate guy.
    River beats Spike.

    Doctor vs River….OTHER River! Other River!

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