What is Geek Grab Bag? It’s a collection of odds and ends found throughout the week from the Internet. Send in your submissions to be featured in future issues of the column to max.pfeffer@yahoo.com
Alright everyone, in just a few short weeks, the Geek Grab Bag will reach post number 50! I am looking for many contributions for this particular post. Please email me and I will save your grab bag submissions for the 50th special!
Even Darth Vader thinks this is impressive. (Found at thinkgeek.com)
Winter too cold for you? Try on Gimli’s beard and warm yourself up. (found at technabob.com)
This makes me want to watch Firefly again…and it makes me hungry. (pinkbunny.co.uk)
Awesome collection of awesome, as always Max 😀
Thanks, Francisco!
Is that supposed to be Wash or Oz on that cupcake?