It was actually Erik Woods, of CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO (, who, in response to one of my FB posts, suggested Williams and Giacchino could work together (a la Williams and Alexander Courage on SUPERMAN IV). I agree, we have to give Williams first crack out of deference; but I’d rather see a new composer come on board. Fresh ideas, and all that. Despite Erik’s eloquent defense of the prequel scores in that FB exchange, I really think they can’t hold a candle to the work Williams did on the original trilogy.
It was actually Erik Woods, of CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO (, who, in response to one of my FB posts, suggested Williams and Giacchino could work together (a la Williams and Alexander Courage on SUPERMAN IV). I agree, we have to give Williams first crack out of deference; but I’d rather see a new composer come on board. Fresh ideas, and all that. Despite Erik’s eloquent defense of the prequel scores in that FB exchange, I really think they can’t hold a candle to the work Williams did on the original trilogy.
My reaction to Ben’s accents “WHAT THE HECK bahahahahahhahahahahahhaa!!?!?!!?!”
I would have proclaimed it aloud, but Sarah was working and I didn’t want to disturb her.