What is Geek Grab Bag? It’s a collection of odds and ends found throughout the week from the Internet. Send in your submissions to be featured in future issues of the column to max.pfeffer@yahoo.com
The Geek Grab Bag has been a constant feature of this website since its launch about a year and a half ago. We’ve seen awesome videos, funny memes, creepy products, and science fiction related images galore. For this GIANT 50th edition, I wanted to include submissions from fans of the podcast and website. One person in particular who sent me multiple additions, is none other than the creator of Geek Grab Bag, Brandon Gibbs! What better way to celebrate this spectacular occasion than with material found by Brandon himself! So, without further adieu, I give you, an amalgamation of geeky goodies: Geek Grab Bag #50!
Careful where you place your fingers on this Zombie Game Boy Color! (Found at Technabob.com)
Gandalf and Bilbo are making quite the journey (Submitted by Brandon Gibbs)
Sweet Steampunk Stormtrooper helmet (Found at mowrerart.blogspot.com, submitted by Brandon Gibbs)
I can’t get the song out of my head – Tetris Bookshelves.
Krang Cosplay. Amazing. (Found at io9.com)
Sounds like a fun movie! (Found at thestuff.nakatomiinc.com, submitted by Brandon Gibbs)
I’m not too disappointed that they won’t be funding this project (Found at io9.com, subittmed by Ben S.)
Originality (Submitted by Brandon Gibbs)
Show your mutant you love him/her with these Gambit and Rogue t-shirts (Found at technabob.com)
Dun Dun…Dun Dun…Dun Dun…Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dunnnnaaaa!!!!
Unfortunately, I don’t remember this happening in the game. (Found at fashionablygeek.com)
I wonder if we’ll be seeing something like this in the next Star Wars film.
This picture was created by Cody Taylor, a friend of Brandon Gibbs.
Check out more of Cody’s work here
Poor guy. (Submitted by Matt Anderson – Podcast host – found at teefury.com)
Not sure what this image is from, but it’s pretty funny.
Great painting. I wouldn’t hate this crossover (Found at johnsumrow.com)
Dragon Ball Z/Mario – Too Cool. (Found at rampagedreality.com)
E.T.A – A fun Alien inspired short (Submitted by Brandon Gibbs – Found at geekytyrant.com)
The entire Star Wars story told in two minutes through LEGO stop motion…FUNNY. (Submitted by Brandon Gibbs)
This is sooooo cool. Handmade TARDIS. (Submitted by Brandon Gibbs)
KRTV Montana is probably the most creative News Station out there. Hilarious.
Great job!!!!
So much fun, Max!
Congrats on 50 grab bags! Here’s to at least that many more!
Thanks, ya’ll! This is so much fun!
Max, a GGB worthy of of our divisibility by 10. Congratulations, and here’s to fifty more!