Episode 440: Books 2016

February 9, 2016


Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono

In this episode, we discuss the books we and the listeners read in 2015, and take a look at what we anticipate reading in 2016.

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2 comments on “Episode 440: Books 2016

  1. Hahaha! Oh no!

    Well, fellas, in my defense, I was uncertain whether you lost my first survey or not, and since I had no record of my answers, I wasn’t trying to match them, just take the survey like it was the first time. I’m not sure what caused the dropped book between survey 1 and 2; my guess was that it was because I read most of that first book in 2014 but didn’t finish it until 2015; so on my second run, I didn’t allow it. Oh well, I have a recount problem—me and Florida.

    You know, Ben, you could have emailed me and asked if I meant to do the survey twice. I would have just said run with the second—then again, I’m honored my mishap was the source of this ep’s running joke.

  2. Philip Mar 26, 2016

    Ben’s comments about his number of books he thinks he’ll read in 2016 are pretty much why I avoid goals. A couple of reasons I listen to audio books are to relieve stress and take my mind of stuff, especially work. Establishing a goal and spending the year trying to meet it and conforming my habits to do so would just make it another thing to stress about.

    Also, Matt- since you’re relatively new to Audible, keep their return policy in mind. If you get an audio book and don’t like it, you can return it within a year. I’ve used this feature multiple times, and it makes me more willing to burn a credit on something I’m not sure about. Here’s a link explaining it:


    Lastly, I’ve recommended David Mitchell to Ben before on Goodreads, and I think The Bone Clocks is a good place to start. He reminds me a lot of Neal Stephenson- so anyone who is a fan of his may enjoy Mitchell, also. If you didn’t like the Cloud Atlas film, don’t let it deter you from trying his books!

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