The Sci-Fi Christian End of the Year Jubilee Official Ballot 2016 November 7, 2016 The Sci-Fi Christian End of the Year Jubilee Official Ballot 2016 The Sci-Fi Christian End of the Year Jubilee Official Ballot 2016 It’s time to vote for The Sci-Fi Christian End of the Year Listener Appreciation Jubilee! Please vote for your favorites in the below categories by Wednesday, November 30th. We have listed the nominees for our awards show below (vote in as many categories as possible, however feel free to skip the topics that you feel unsure about). Most Exciting Sci-Fi News of the Year Heroes recancelled Idris Elba cast in the Dark Tower film The promising casting of the American Gods TV series The potential of a Legend of Zelda TV series The Chronicles of Prydain getting a film adaptation The Topic that the Sci-Fi Christian Should Have Covered in 2016, But Didn’t Controversial beliefs that Ben and Matt hold that could get them in trouble at their church Matt’s Top Sci-Fi cartoons, and why Ben should watch them with his children Why we should not fear AI Suicide Squad Movie Review Narnia film comparison Most Disappointing Sci-Fi News of the Year New Star Trek series only available on CBS streaming platform Ben’s loathing of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Transformers movies are still being made, and in abundance, and Anthony Hopkins was cast in one of the movies Tetris: The Movie is actually happening The X-Files are going to do another season Sci-Fi Movie of the Year The Martian Star Wars: The Force Awakens Star Trek Beyond 10 Cloverfield Lane The Witch Sci-Fi TV Show of the Year The Flash Stranger Things Jessica Jones Daredevil Game of Thrones Episode Title of the Year (this isn’t based on episode content, just how the title sounds) Episode 389: Dante’s Getting a Badaptation and Other News Episode 395: Hoppin’ With Mary Poppins Episode 470: That Hideous Space Trilogy Episode 493: Teenage Mutant Ninja Angels: Paradise Lost – Book V Episode 401: Dune and the Second Uncle Sci-Fi Christian Video of the Year (options found here - Watching Hamlet: Brannagh Version The Game of Thrones Reviews Episode 474: Rockin’ It With Rocky Why Would You Watch That? Introduction Why Would You Watch That? Shame Episode of the Year Episode 396: Who Killed Stanley Kubrick? Episode 442: Staying Classy with the Classics Episode 444: The Communion Commotion Episode 469: The Redemption of George Lucas Episode 477: Heaven: Who Gets In? Countdown of the Year Episode 424: Top 100 Sci-Fi Movies Countdown: 20-11 Episode 425: Top 100 Sci-Fi Movies Countdown: 10-1 Episode 428: Top 10 Things About Star Wars: The Force Awakens Episode 436: Top 5 Ways We’ve Changed in 5 Years Episode 458: Things About Batman v Superman Movie Review Episode of the Year Episode 458: Things About Batman v Superman Episode 466: Captain America: Civil Skirmish Episode 474: Rockin’ It With Rocky Episode 482: Living it Up with Lawrence of Arabia Episode 486: The 2001 Movie Review Book Review Episode of the Year Episode 394: The Worlds of Neil Gaiman: The Ocean at the End of the Lane Episode 399: Digging Up Dune Episode 465: Total Pandemonium: Paradise Lost – Book I Episode 470: That Hideous Space Trilogy Episode 496: Matt Read The Lord of the Rings Funniest Sci-Fi Christian Episode or Moment of the Year Episode 411: Mary Poppins is a Witch Episode 475: Dinner and a Movie and Other News Episode 483: Mighty Morphin Power Heisenberg and Other News Episode 492: Shapeshifting Satan: Paradise Lost – Book IV Episode 497: The SFC Time Loop: Messianic Moments in The Lord of the Rings Time Loop of the Year Episode 413: The SFC Time Loop: Worst Sci-Fi Movies Episode 435: The SFC Time Loop: Mythology vs. Allegory Episode 497: The SFC Time Loop: Messianic Moments in The Lord of the Rings Lack of Follow Through Award Our promised Alan Moore Episode Our promised Narnia film comparison Our promised Christmas Musical episode Our promise that “Heroes Rants” would return Our promised Metropolis commentary episode Most Surprising Sci-Fi News of the Year Avatar is getting four sequels Squirrel Girl is becoming a real entertainment entity Coach gets benched (that Coach didn’t go into production) Nancy Drew returns Rita Repulsa returns e-mail address * Categories: Podcast # End of the Year Listener Appreciation Jubilee
Not many good sci-fi movies came out this year. I haven’t seen Option 3 yet, but I heard it got pretty bad reviews. 😉
Voted! Do I get a sticker?
You get to avoid being banned. That’s a step up.
“Arrival” is the best sci-fi movie of the year, but it was released too late to make the SFC ballot…