Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono This episode features a conversation about the fantastic, new event series, “Devs.”
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Episode 814: The Coronavirus Chronicles: Part 8: The Artemis Accords and Other News
- May 12, 2020
- Tagged as: 2001: A Space Odyssey, assassins creed, Back to the Moon, Battlestar Galactica, Blade Runner 2049, Disney, ex machina, Hercules, Moon, National Treasure, Sailor Moon, Sony Pictures Universe of Marvel Characters, SPUMC, star wars, The Artemis Accords, Tiger King, Trolls World Tour, What We Do In the Shadows
Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono What are the Artemis Accords? And other news!
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Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono This week Ben is in charge of all of the news. You’ve been warned. Donate to help the Water Fund here: https://www.onedayswages.org/thescifichristian
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Ex Machina is one of the most engrossing, thought-provoking, and unsettling movies I’ve seen in a while. A story that starts off as a Silicon Valley Willy Wonka and ends up a nightmarish retelling of…
Episode 350: Top 25 Things We Want to Experience By Episode 450
- April 28, 2015
- Tagged as: Age of Ultron, anathem, Ant-Man, avengers, Awake, babadook, before tomorrowland, birdman, black mirror, blade, books, brave new world, caprica, chronicles of amber, dark city, Dune, edge of tomorrow, enterprise, eraserhead, ex machina, fantastic four, fantasy, flatland, Godzilla, hamlet, her, heroes reborn, homer, i origins, illiad, in your eyes, jabordowsky's dune, last american vampire, last unicorn, life on mars, live die repeat, lost world of adam and eve, lovecraft, lucy, man in the high castle, mission: impossible, movies, paradise lost, predators, ready player one, revolution, robot and frank, Rogue Nation, sci-fi, snowpiercer, solaris, spectre, Star Trek, star wars, superheroes, supernatural, television, tempest, the adjacent, The Force Awakens, the giver, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Leftovers, the martian, the prisoner, the returned, the signal, through the looking glass, till we have faces, time bandits, Tomorrowland, transcendence, Twin Peaks, under the skin, we have always lived in the castle, wizard of earthsea, Wizard of Oz, world war z
Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono For the second year in a row, Ben and Matt have developed a list of 25 things that they plan to experience in the next year.
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