Thor and the Condescending of Jesus

June 27, 2011

There are a few truths that we can extract from the movie, “Thor,” whether or not you were a fan of the movie.  I would even go to the extent of saying that at its most basic core, “Thor,” like an Aesop’s Fable, was a wonderful primer on the importance of humbleness.  Humbleness isn’t often promoted in media so it was a bit refreshing.

At the beginning of “Thor,” it seemed that Thor would make a horrible Christ figure, but as the movie progressed it became clear that Thor and Jesus Christ had a few things in common.  Like Jesus, Thor left a heavenly kingdom from his father, and went to earth in the likeness of a man.  He had to clothe himself with humbleness before he was any good to the human race.  After he learned his lesson, he saved mankind from the forces of evil and was able to return to where he came from.


Pretty Asgard.

We see the likeness between Thor and Jesus, but how are they different?

There is one major difference I would like to look at.  But first, I want to express the purpose for this article.  I whole-heartedly believe that because Jesus Christ is so good that any time He or His attributes are reflected on, He is glorified.  On the other hand, if a characteristic or attribute of mine, for example, is reflected on, it doesn’t always result in praise and glory.  In fact, if you were to examine me even feebly, you would clearly see that I would come up short and disappoint time and time again.  Jesus and His attributes are so perfect and holy that He deserves praise 100% of the time (and praised eternally because He is eternally good!).  So, the purpose of this article is to engage in a healthy reflection of the goodness of Christ and to result in praise.  With that said, let’s see one reason that Thor and Jesus are dramatically separate.


Thanks, Dictionary!

Thor and Jesus came to Earth by infinitely contrary reasons and means.  Christ condescended on his own accord while Thor was cast out.  Jesus chose to come to earth out of obedience to the Father and for the joy that was set before Him (that He would be exalted and every knee will bow before Him).

Even more, it would have been one thing for Christ to just become middle-class American.  Even that role would have been such an infinite and mind-blowing humiliation, but He did FURTHER still!  He didn’t just become a man.  He became a servant to men.

Middle Class America

Thor was cast down because of his pride.  Christ came down because of His humbleness.  Jesus didn’t need to learn a lesson.  He is complete and unchanging… and He’s the God of a lot more than just thunder.

There is a lesson to learn from both Thor and Jesus.  Pride brings humiliation, but humbleness brings exaltation.  Let’s humble ourselves before God that He may deal with us graciously for God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6).

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13 comments on “Thor and the Condescending of Jesus

  1. Good article. I like how you emphasize more of the differences as the main point, rather than trying to focus on the similarities as the main point.

    Just as an aside… you mentioned that Jesus did not need to learn anything. I would generally accept this… Still, (not ‘but’) how do you think we can/should understand Hebrews 5:8 both in the context of the book of Hebrews *and* in the context of the article?

    Christ’s humility is something that is just awesome. Thor was robbed of his divinity by the Father… Jesus was not robbed of his divinity. Instead, he freely emptied himself of his dignity. A beautiful truth of our Lord and Savior.

    • Ryan, thank you for your feedback.

      Christ’s humility is just awesome.

      As for your question, I have a lot of questions on Hebrews 5:8 myself, but I can answer your question in regards to the context of the article. Thor had to have the lesson taught to him to be humble. Christ came humbly.

      Write me on facebook on your views and understanding of Hebrews 5:8. I want to hear them!


  2. great article. when i read the title, i thought this was going in a different direction. lol

    • Thanks, Dave. I guess the title is a bit misleading. I like to keep people on their toes. : )

  3. it was a good surprise

  4. Wow! Now I need to watch Thor, because of your article here. Then I’ll be back with some rants.

    As of Hebrews 5:8, well, questions abound mostly because we somehow miss the mental instruments of understanding how [technically] The Ever-Living “borged” a person on Earth, Melchizedek, with the intent of giving bread and wine to Abraham [Genesis 14:18] and to bless him [Genesis 14:19] in the name of God. To which, Abraham [then Abram] in return “gave him a tithe of all.” In Psalm 110, David mentioned Christ Jesus as “You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.”

    So, in geek slang [not Greek], that would mean setting up the boot partition on the flesh-disc [Abram > Jakob > David > Mary] for the Programmer [Jesus] to properly enter this wrecked game [of history] and clean the rootkit once and for all. Which He graciously did by His Crucifixion and Resurrection.

    Melchizedek was probably not a part of this boot partition on the disc but rather the command-line itself. Though a man and a king at the same time. Maybe the shell script? Nice sci-fi theme to develop from here…

    BTW, there was one cast out [for his pride] in the Scriptures too, remember?

    But more ugly comparisons after I go watch Thor.

    Thanks again for the great article and for your excellent site.

    • Thank you for your positive feedback. I got a nice Tron feeling from your explanation! : )

      You make a good point comparing Thor to Satan for his pride.

      Great points!

      • Back with my two cents on Thor, after watching the movie.

        ####[avoiding spoilers here] is an oversimplification of Satan – the deceiving treacherous non-son.

        Thor is the epitome of Adam, the mighty and curious true-heir, inclined to his follies of youth. Whose deeds make him pay the price but also learn the lesson.

        Odin is a reduction, well painted in this movie, and a graphical allegory of Christ Pantokrator:

        All in all, as sons of Adam, men began by being infantile like Thor was at the beginning of this movie. Driven astray by their faithful instincts. Searching with a positive curiosity. Honestly accepting concealed foes as friends and speaking words that will eventually hurt their true Lord.

        Saw no pride in Thor. Even if this word was used once or twice, guess it’s a misuse of it in the movie. Thor is not proud, just curious and following his instinct, which eventually proves him right. All pride belongs to ####[spoiler alert] who elaborates it in the dark plots of his dubious mind. Gotta stop here before making more spoilers.

        A must see, Thor is almost a theological MARVEL.

        Thanks for bringing this movie to our attention!

        • Thanks, for your feedback, Thornet!

          You have such an unique writing style compared to what I’m used to. I like that about you.

          I have never heard of Christ Pantokrator. I’ll have to check that out (thanks for giving a link to help us out).

          I’m honored you saw the movie and came back to give more feedback. You made this blogger happy.

          Always look to Christ,

  5. Hi Brady,

    You gave me an idea, it went beyond the scope and space of a comment, so here’s the link to it:

    Thoroughly placed a backlink to your blog so it makes sense.

    Thanks a lot and Christ’s blessings on you,

  6. Great thoughts on the Thor movie, congratulations for that. I also recommend the review made by Rev. James Halerman, from Mars Hill Church, available here.

    I don’t know whether you guys already reviewed it here or not, but Mark Millar’s run in Ultimates comic book, specially Volume 2, might had given a more “Christ-like” image of Thor than the movie. If you still haven’t done it yet, I’d say I’d love to see an analysis of it from you 😉

    God bless.

  7. I am going to have to watch that video from Halerman later. I’ve seen a few videos by him before (and I love Mars Hill). He seems really godly and really nerdy.

    My type of brother.

    Thank you so much for your feedback!

  8. vanessa taris Apr 25, 2016

    What about Jormungand? Jesus, and Thor will kill the serpent of the sea.

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