Name the New Mascot Contest

July 14, 2011

You might have noticed we have changed The Sci-Fi Christian’s mascot in the banner. Over the next few days you will see Admiral Ackbar being phased out. This is just another step in the redesign of The Sci-Fi Christian. This leads us to a character without a name.  So we are holding a contest to name the little dude. Submit your ideas of names for the new mascot in the comments section below. We will pick our favorite and announce the winner on the 26th episode of the podcast.


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10 comments on “Name the New Mascot Contest

  1. his head is shaped like a guitar pick. lol

  2. So what do you win? A meet and greet with Ben and Matt? Because that wouldn’t be much of a prize for me, I have one of those every Sunday and sometimes Wednesday.

  3. Theo? As in “THEOlogy at warp speed”.

  4. Sarah Pfeffer Jul 14, 2011


  5. Theoryon – a combination of ‘theory’ and ‘tyrion’ from game of thrones

  6. Palindrome Jul 15, 2011

    Bob. It’s the perfect name.

  7. Captain Smirk! Obviously.

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