Catwoman? Is that you?

August 5, 2011

This is the first official image released of Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle aka Catwoman. It looks like she is using the bike that Batman used in The Dark Knight. The costume is what is throwing me off. If this is the full thing, personally, I don’t like it at all. I understand that Christopher Nolan has been trying to do things realistically, but this is just ridiculous. What do you think?

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17 comments on “Catwoman? Is that you?

  1. And that shade of lipstick does NOT work that outfit and hair color.

    : )

    I like that she is riding a motorcycle indoors. Pretty X-treme.

    • Sarah Aug 5, 2011

      X-Treme is right. But how does she resemble a cat? They should give her new name based on the ski goggles she is wearing. Selina Kyle aka X-treme Gogglewoman.

      • Mike Poteet Aug 5, 2011

        Maybe they won’t actually call her “Catwoman” in the film. I could see Nolan going that route. It’s true, nothing about this photo reminds me of the Julie Newmar, Eartha Kitt or Michelle Pfeiifer cat costumes (let alone Halle Berry!)

  2. Woops, that was actually me who said that last comment, but I’ll go ahead and say that Sarah probably agrees.

  3. man, i cannot take Hathaway serious as Catwoman. i hope she proves me wrong. :-/

  4. In Nolan we trust

  5. Daniel Butcher Aug 5, 2011

    Where’s the tail? And don’t we need ears?

  6. Skip Crust Aug 5, 2011


  7. I like this design. It is more realistic, and fits with the style of Nolan. In fact, I think it might de-emphasize the sexy element, and make her a real threat to Batman and Gotham, if she’s meant to be a threat.

  8. you can’t take the ;’sexy’ out of cat woman, its just not right. Even the Lego Batman Wii game catwoman simpers around and blows people kisses…it doesnt make her not a viable enemy.

  9. Alyssa Aug 8, 2011

    this is more of a Batgirl/woman look than a Catwoman…

  10. Joshua Aug 8, 2011

    The real question is: Are there claws on her gloves?

  11. Naomi Aug 10, 2011

    I’m sorry, but this does not compute. Catwoman is feline, sexy, provocative, not evil but has a feline sense of morality. It’s part of the mythos of the character and I’m sorry but to remove those things from the character for a sense of reality, it’s scifi for crying out loud. Science Fiction. I want my sense of play and Catwoman’s previous incarnations definitely gave that to me.

    Nolan, I’m not sure if you miss the boat or if you have something else up your sleeve, but please don’t reduce Catwoman to something more realistic. *sigh*

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