Frequency (2000) Review and Contest

August 27, 2011

Looking back to my family’s movie nights is a bit on the scary side. As a young kid, I remember watching mostly Alfred Hitchcock and Stephen King with mom, step-dad, and brother. Mashed in these movies, I remember watching a movie that I still consider one of my favorites. That movie is the 2000 thriller, Frequency, starring Dennis Quaid and Jim Caviezel.

Here is the official synopsis according to IMDB: “An accidental cross-time radio link connects father and son across 30 years. The son tries to save his father’s life, but then must fix the consequences.”

This synopsis does the movie no justice. The movie is full of mystery, excitement, and heart (and even a few LOST crossovers for Matt), which this synopsis does not capture.

The story doesn’t hinge on science fiction, but is dependent on this unexplained mystery. In the story, the aurora borealis is only visible in New York City every 30 years. Somehow, the Northern Lights enable John Sullivan (Caviezel) to be able to speak back through the 30-year gap on a ham radio to his deceased father, Frank Sullivan (Quaid). Through their communication, John saves Frank’s life, but this action opens the door for other tragedies. Enter the antagonist: The Nightingale Killer. He is a serial killer that killed nurses during Frank’s time. Saving Frank’s life allowed for the serial killer to kill more. One of his next victim hits too close to home. John, a detective, and Frank, a fireman, have to work together despite a 30-year breach to stop this murderer.

There is much heart in his story. When the story begins, John’s life is in ruin. His passion for life left with wife, but he is revived when he is able to connect with his father through the radio. His father had died when he was a young boy, and the radio allowed him to know his father for the first time. This new-found love for his father transforms his heart to become a better man, son, husband, and later father.

I highly recommend this movie. I agree that the time-altering isn’t the most accurate, but really, how can there be set rules to something that doesn’t exist? It will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. This movie was one of my gateway drugs to Science Fiction. Get it, rent it, watch it.

There are a few strange LOST crossovers in the movie. First, Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet on LOST) plays John’s Mom/Frank’s wife. Second, the villain’s name is “Jack Shepherd,” but he is no trustworthy doctor. Third, there is another actor/actress that appears in both Frequency and LOST. If you can be the first one to provide the actor’s name (comment below), his/her role in LOST, and his/her role in Frequency, I will buy and mail you a copy of SciFi Christian Writer Dave Johnson’s book Countdown!

Also, while watching the movie, keep an eye out for a very young Michael Cera and Noah Emmerich from Walking Dead.

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12 comments on “Frequency (2000) Review and Contest


    • Glad there are other fans out there!

      And, by the way, Dave, you are disqualified from the contest. : )

      • HAHA!!! oh well. 😉 man, thanks for the support, Brady! i’m blown away!

  2. I remember watching this movie in the theater with some of my friends in 8th grade. I remember really enjoying it at the time but I can’t recall much of the story. I think that I will definitely have to do a rewatch. Thanks, Brady!

    • It is worth it. The end makes me smile every time. I’m impressed that you saw this in the theater. I’m pretty sure I just saw stupid movies in the theater back then.

  3. Michael Aug 29, 2011

    “Frequency” was one of the first films I watched on DVD; I rented it mainly because it was one of the few choices my local video store (remember those?) had in stock at the time. I enjoyed it thoroughly — thanks for reminding me of it! Definitely worth a rewatch one of these days.

    • Oh video stores… glad those days are over! Thanks for commenting. Hope you like the rewatch!

  4. Still waiting for a winner to the contest!

  5. Jason Vaughn Sep 8, 2011

    Shawn Doyle was an attorney in an episode

  6. Jason Vaughn Sep 8, 2011

    He play Shepherd in frequency and Duncan Forrester in LOST

  7. Winner! Email me your address info to bradyhardin@gmail!

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