Are you a musician and a Superman fan? If so, you may want to know about the “Represent the S” project. According to organizers, the project will be a compilation of all-new, original, fan-written and fan-performed songs celebrating all things Superman. Think “It’s Not Easy” by 5 for Fighting, say project organizers (best Superman song ever!), although they’ll accept submissions from all musical styles and genres.
“Represent the S” aims to not only give new and rising musicians some exposure by presenting the album to Warner Music as a possible tie-in to The Man of Steel but also to raise money for the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, which continues the Reeves’ legacy of funding research into cures for spinal cord injuries and improving the quality of life for people living with paralysis.
“Represent the S” doesn’t want your money (at least, I’d imagine, not until an album is ready); at this stage, they simply want help spreading the word. So if you’ve been blessed with musical talent and if you’d like to croon, warble, or just flat rock out about the Man of Tomorrow, contact Cyril Orlay at for more information.
This is a cool idea, and glad it will help benefit the Reeves foundation. I don’t think they should just limit it to music though, seems like some great visual art (as opposed to musical) and even short film work could be generated by this as well.
I’m just passing the word on, Francisco… Maybe if you contacted them and shared your idea, they’d agree, who knows? (I wonder if there are more hurdles to clear re: visual art since Superman is first and foremost a comic book character – just a wondering.) Thanks for the comment!
thank you michael very much for spreading the news , of course evry ideas are welcome , and we actually thought about asking for art work and fan art so we will probably communicate on this very soon
god bless you guys
thank you aigain
No problem, C.J. It sounds like a worthwhile project and certainly for a fantastic cause. All best wishes with it! (And if I had any musical ability myself, I’d warble something for it!)