What is Geek Grab Bag? It’s a collection of odds and ends found throughout the week from the Internet. Send in your submissions to be featured in future issues of the column to max@thescifichristian.com
Now that the Geek Grab Bag has passed it’s 50th edition, it’s time to spice things up a bit. Aside from the usual video or two featured at the end of each article, the GGB will now feature a short film as well.
Even Captain Hammer loves photobombing! (Submitted by Matt Anderson)
You can never trust Deadpool. (Found at Textsfromsuperheroes.com)
The Dark Knight: Always protecting. (Found at technabob.com)
The cutest Dalek I’ve ever seen. (Submitted by Nathan Norman)
This has happened all before. (Submitted by our very own catholic scribe, Ben DeBono)
GGB Short of the Week:
Hybrids was written and directed by Patrick Kalyn with cinematography by Cliff Hokanson and music by Sam Hulick, produced by Gabriel Paul Napora & Triton Films (Visit the film’s site here)
That Bayeux Tapestry Star Wars is the best!