Vote for Your Favorites for the End of the Year Listener Appreciation Jubilee Award Show!

December 6, 2013


The Sci-Fi Christian End of the Year Listener Appreciation Jubilee is coming up very soon, and we need your help! The initial polls are now open, so please vote in the first round by Wednesday, December 11th in order to create the nominees for this year’s show. To make your picks, you can (1) comment below, or (2) email us at Here are the current categories for our annual award show:

1.) Episode of the Year
2.) Top 5 of the Year
3.) Movie Review Episode of the Year
4.) Time Loop Episode of the Year
5.) Worst Episode of the Year
6.) Guest of the Year
7.) Lack of Follow-Through Award (something we promised to do in 2013, but never did)
8.) Awkward Moment of the Year
9.) Funniest Moment of the Year
10.) Story Time of the Year
11.) Most Shocking Sci-Fi News of 2013
12.) Biggest Sci-Fi Disappointment of 2013
13.) Sci-Fi Movie of the Year
14.) Sci-Fi TV Show of the Year
15.) Sci-Fi Book of the Year
16.) Sci-Fi Video Game of the Year
17.) The Topic That The Sci-Fi Christian Should Have Covered In 2013, But Didn’t
18.) Video of the Year (Choose any from our YouTube page:

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10 comments on “Vote for Your Favorites for the End of the Year Listener Appreciation Jubilee Award Show!

  1. Michael Dec 6, 2013

    11.) Most Shocking Sci-Fi News of 2013 – Announcement of Superman Vs. Batman as Man of Steel sequel

    12.) Biggest Sci-Fi Disappointment of 2013 – Star Trek Into Darkness (yes, I realize this is a 180 degree turn around from my review on the website. C’est la vie.)

    13.) Sci-Fi Movie of the Year – Gravity

    14.) Sci-Fi TV Show of the Year – Sleepy Hollow (series); “Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor” (one-shot)

    15.) Sci-Fi Book of the Year – Oz Reimagined

    16.) Sci-Fi Video Game of the Year – Disney Infinity

  2. 1. Ep. 124: The Lost World of Genesis
    2. Top 5 Sci-Fi Things We’re Not Into But Wish We Were
    3. Iron Man 3 Review
    4. Time Loop: It’s the End of the World As We Know It
    5. Thor Movie Review (I actually enjoyed listening to the original review, but that was a dirty trick.)
    6. Des (Wood) Anderson (Delivered one of the most memorable quotes of the year: “Matt’s not that really into sci-fi.”)
    7. I don’t really pay much attention to your “promises” (but seriously, Matt, let’s get moving on FOTA!)
    8. The repeated exposure of Ben’s bare belly in the Dark Knight Returns video.
    9. Any time Ben says something inappropriate and Matt gets uncomfortable.
    10. Obviously, the Disney World saga. If I had to choose one, I’d go with Ben’s quest to find a convenience store. I absolutely loved when, after trudging through the swamp, Ben found a gap in the chain-link fence, implying that he was just the latest of many pissed-off dads to have taken this journey.
    11. Benedict Cumberbatch’s character in Star Trek was Khan. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat????? Did ANYONE see that coming?
    12. LucasArts shutting down (I know there’ll still be Star Wars games, but I have a fairly strong nostalgic attachment to LA.)
    13. Gravity (It has science, and it’s fiction, so I’m counting it.)
    14. Breaking Bad (It has science, and it’s fiction, so I’m counting it.)
    15. Haven’t read any sci-fi books published in 2013
    16. Bioshock Infinite (This is the only one I feel super strongly about. Any other answer, including Injustice: Gods Among Us, is wrong.)
    17. Gravity movie review
    18. The Dark Knight Returns (Uncensored). Or, if the pick must be an officially sanctioned SFC video, I’ll go with The Odyssey review. Very insightful.

    • Ben De Bono Dec 6, 2013

      Aaron, have you played The Last of Us? For as good as Bioshock Infinite was, TLOU blows it away

      • I would love to play The Last of Us, but I don’t have a PS3. I’ve heard good things about its story, and its minimalist design (no HUD, few weapons, each decision to kill weighty and meaningful) is apparently revolutionary.

        That said, the first hour of Bioshock Infinite is one of the most incredible, immersive video game experiences I’ve ever had. I’m confident pitting it against the best games of this or any other year.

  3. OK, Since this is for nominating purposes, I will exercise my option to list more than one response in some categories, balanced by no response in others:

    1.) Episode of the Year: (5 nominations: Just like the Oscars used to do! Before saturation!)
    Lost World of Genesis
    Spelunking with Socrates
    What’s in the Batcave?
    Heaven on Earth
    Breaking Open Breaking Bad

    2.) Top 5 of the Year
    5 Sci-Fi Geniuses Gone Bad

    3.) Movie Review Episode of the Year
    The Rocketeer. Made me want to see it again, just for the MST3K possibilities.

    4.) Time Loop Episode of the Year (2 nominations)
    Bigfoot, Dinos and Dragons
    1st Episode

    5.) Worst Episode of the Year
    Sorry. Going to have to go with the delightfully messed up and awkward 6- headed beast: Aliens and Strangers, Prometheus

    6.) Guest of the Year: (2 nominations)
    Mike Poteet: The Dragon Sermon (if he’s an SFC writer, is he a guest?)
    Michael Sellers: JC and the Gods of Hollywood (Bought the book after your interview. Really enjoyed it.

    7.) Lack of Follow-Through Award
    Uh, you mean BESIDES finishing FOTA?

    8.) Awkward Moment of the Year (2 nominations)
    Manager of the movie theater almost busting up the Into Darkness review, and refusing Matt’s plaintive request to appear on camera.
    Matt’s utter shock and disappointment that anyone would want to purchase a “Ben is right” beer mug.

    9.) Funniest Moment of the Year:
    The Tolkien/Lewis Radio Drama.

    10.) Story Time of the Year:
    Since everyone, (including myself) will probably say, “Disney World—especially the Quest to Escape for Cheap Beer and Cereal,” I’ll present a responsible opposing viewpoint and nominate “Ben’s bike encounter with the redneck truckers”—“I regret NOTHING!” Pure gold.

    11.) Most Shocking Sci-Fi News of 2013:
    Yeah—gotta be Ben Affleck

    12.) Biggest Sci-Fi Disappointment of 2013:
    Iron Man 3

    13.) Sci-Fi Movie of the Year
    Gravity. (Please! Do not disqualify. Nothing else came close this year.)

    14.) Sci-Fi TV Show of the Year:
    Breaking Bad
    (See “Gravity” above.)

    15.) Sci-Fi Book of the Year:
    I really should read more.

    16.) Sci-Fi Video Game of the Year:
    Nope: Not much of a gamer.

    17.) The Topic That The Sci-Fi Christian Should Have Covered In 2013, But Didn’t:
    Aaron read my mind. I was really looking forward to the SFC perspective on “Gravity.”
    To give another nomination, let’s see…How about, “Top Five, non-stereotypical female Sci-fi Characters?”

    18.) Video of the Year (Choose any from our YouTube page:
    The Hiking Report
    Or if we MUST choose approved videos:
    Trivia Challenge: Deep Space Nine Review. Ben’s rockin’ that pipe.

  4. Oh, Crud! An addendum, now that I’ve thought a little more:

    Guest of the Year,
    The incomparable, just-kissed-his-sister, Lost Challenge runner-up.
    Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Wayne Henderson!

    Also, Funniest moment: Ben’s increasing horror as Matt and Wayne continued to answer question after question correctly.

  5. Looking for a few more nominations, just to give your fans choices?

    Biggest Sci-Fi disappointment:
    Man of Steel’s descent from a brilliant 1st half into a Michael Bay film.

  6. I have not heard every episode from 2013, but of what I have faithfully heard, I draw from for my votes.

    1.) Episode 172: What We Would Change About the Comics Industry. I cannot say this is definitively the best episode of the year (too many great ones), but I can say I felt it was one of the strongest episodes where the theme of over-saturation was explored.

    2.) While it was not a Top 5, it was your first Top 50. The Sci-Fi TV Show Countdown.

    3.) Episode 163: Star Trek Roundtable Discussion

    4.) Episode 178: The SFC Timeloop – Bigfoot, Dinos, and Dragons. This was quite a romp of an episode. One of the few times Koby ups Matt, or anyone else for that matter.

    5.) Episode 141: G.I. Joe: Retaliation Movie Review

    6.) Wayne Henderson

    8.) A certain innuendo by Ben. Referring to, “I roll over in my sleep…”

    9.) The invention of the “Ben is Right” clip and its various uses

    10.) The Disney World Saga

    11.) It’s far from sci-fi, but I’d have to say it’s the sequel to “It’s a Wonderful Life”

    12.) J.J. Abrams directing Star Wars VII

    18.) The Dark Knight Returns Review

    If anything more occurs to me, I shall revise my vote.

  7. 1. Episode 200
    2. Episode 210 – because I was quoted and then referred to as “Mom.” 😉
    6. Erick Klein and Brad Jorde
    11. Ben Affleck cast as Batman
    12. Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
    14. Season 4 of Warehouse 13
    18. Game of Thrones Take the Black Stout Review – because Ben talked about one beer for 12 minutes and was somehow able to keep me interested. Especially when he talked to himself between transitions.

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