What is Geek Grab Bag? It’s a collection of odds and ends found throughout the week from the Internet. Send in your submissions to be featured in future issues of the column to max@thescifichristian.com
Wooooo!!!! Where have I been? Probably trapped in some alternate dimension with my memories erased upon return to this world. Well, I’m back now with a new installment of the Geek Grab Bag, featuring many geeky goodies for your delight. Sit back, grab some coffee on this cold, winter day (at least on the East Coast anyway) and enjoy what the internet has to offer.
Bad AT-AT (Via Thinkgeek)
Winter Is Here. Grab a cup of coffee.
Quite the adventurous dining room set (via Technabob)
I’d definitely check this comic out if it were real (via artist PJ McQuade)
Mighty Morphin’ Baby Rangers (via Technabob)
Weddings and Wormholes. (via Etsy)
Awwww cute! (via Thinkgeek)
The Order of X: Cyclops by Nate Hallinan. I would love to see these made into a graphic novel. (For more of Nate’s illustrations, including the other Medieval X-Men, check out his site here)
An explosion of flavor 😉 (via Thinkgeek)
World’s first teleported inspired by Star Trek.
That dinette set is the greatest! As always, good selections, Max!
Thanks, Michael! I wouldn’t mind having that set either!