Episode 290: Matt Damon is Bourne Again and Other News

September 29, 2014


Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono

In the latest Sci-Fi News episode, Ben and Matt discuss the next Bourne installment, as well as tons of superhero TV and movie updates. Plus, listener feedback returns!

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One comment on “Episode 290: Matt Damon is Bourne Again and Other News

  1. So, once again, demoted to a “nobody”… sigh… Well, I guess that is what one gets for enjoying “Wolverine: Origins”.
    However…to dismiss the “IT Crowd”, that is just wrong-headed. Sure, subtlety is not its strong suit, but it is hilarious. Are you telling me, Ben, that when Jen broke the internet, you didn’t find it amusing? (even if telegraphed) or how about Moss rebooting? And you’ve never answered the phone and just said, “Hello, have you tried turning it off and back on again?”
    For shame, a piece of international cultural heritage, and you brush it aside…

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