Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono Ben gives us warnings on the past, present, and future of AI.
Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono There are a lot of theories about the Nephilim!
Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono In this episode, Ben and Matt discuss unity in the Church and the afterlife.
Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono The Sci-Fi Christian is going on a mini-hiatus. Find out why here!
Episode 491: Rocky in Space and Other News
- August 1, 2016
- Tagged as: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Captain America: Winter Soldier, Captain Kirk, Everybody Loves Rayford, Ghost Rider, Guardians of the Galaxy, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, han solo, Indiana Jones, Jason Bourne, jessica jones, Justice League, left behind, luke cage, rocky, Star Trek, star wars, The Amber Chronicles, the Walking Dead, thor, van helsing, Wonder Woman
Featuring Matt Anderson, Ben De Bono, and Sam Fredin Ben and Matt are joined by Sam Fredin to break down all the news from Comic Con Donate to help the Water Fund here: https://www.onedayswages.org/thescifichristian
Episode 336: Top 5 Low Quality Influences
- March 5, 2015
- Tagged as: action figures, age of apocalypse, Age of Ultron, and the wardrobe”, Ant-Man, avengers, back to the future 2, batman 1966, batman 1989, batman forever, batman returns, batman: the animated series, books, boxcar children, Chronicles of Narnia, clone saga, comics, Doctor Who, fantastic four, fantasy, flight of the navigator, graphic novels, hardy boys, hobbit, Iron Man 2, iron man 3, left behind, LOST, Mario is missing, movies, onslaught, phantom menace, Pirates of the Caribbean, quantum leap, sci-fi, sliders, Spider-Man, Star Trek, star trek: the motion picture, Star Trek: The Next Generation, star wars, Stephen King, super friends, super mario brothers, superheroes, sword of shannara, sword of truth, ted dekker, television, terry brooks, the magician’s nephew, the witch, Tim Burton, under the dome, video games, wheel of time, x-men, “the lion
Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono What are the Top 5 things that are low quality, but have influenced us on some level? How did they change the way we think about a character…
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