Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono What did Ben and Matt think of “Fables” back in 2011? Check out this never-before-heard (in the Main Feed) review!
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Episode 649: Top 25 Things We’ve Experienced Since Episode 550
- April 16, 2018
- Tagged as: 10 Cloverfield Lane, 28 Weeks Later, A Wizard of Earthsea, Adventures of Robin Hood, Anomalisa, Arrival, brave new world, cabinet of dr. caligari, Calculating God, Colony, Don Quixote, dr. mabuse, Dracula, Escape From New York, Evil Dead, fables, Godzilla, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Hyperion, Iron Fist, Justice League, Kubrick's Game, Mad Max, melancholia, Metropolis, Moon, Naked Lunch, nosferatu the vampire, onibaba, planet of the apes, Project Almanac, ringu, Sherlock Jr, Spider-Man: Homecoming, squirrel girl, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Stranger Things, Synechdoche New York jigoku, The Day the Earth Stood Still, The Fall of Hyperion, The Jungle Book, the legend of Zelda: breath of the wild, The Martian Chronicles, The Mummy, The Prestige, Thor: Ragnorak, three outlaw samurai, uncle bonomee who remembers his past lives, War for the Planet of the Apes, Wonder Woman
Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono One year later, we are back with our reactions to the 25 things we said we’d experience by Episode 650.
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Episode 584: The SFC Time Loop: Top 5 Sci-Fi Messiahs
- September 12, 2017
- Tagged as: Agent Smith, anakin skywalker, angel, batman, Battlestar Galactica, books, Brother Cavil, buffy the vampire slayer, Captain America, Cigarette Smoking Man, comics, countdowns, dark city, Darth Sidious, darth vader, fables, fantasy, fox mulder, Frodo Baggins, Gandalf, Ink, Jack Shephard, John Murdoch, Joker, Liev, Lord of Light, LOST, luke skywalker, Magneto, Marsuvees Black, Mayor Richard Wilkins III, movies, Neo, Paul Atreides, quantum leap, Randall Flagg, Sam, sam beckett, Sam Gamgee, Samwise Gamgee, saruman, sauron, sci-fi, Senator Palpatine, sliders, star wars, superheroes, Telah, television, The Adversary, The Emperor, The Lord of the Rings, The Man in Black, The Matrix, The Stand, The White Witch, the x-files, Thomas Hunter, x-men
Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono In this Time Loop episode, Ben and Matt count down their Top 5 Messianic characters and Top 5 evil characters in genre fiction.
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Episode 327: Doctor Who Enters the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Other News
- January 28, 2015
- Tagged as: apocalypse, Aquaman, avengers, baron zemo, batman, Beauty and the Beast, ben affleck, books, comics, crow, dark tower, david duchovny, david tennant, Deadpool, Doctor Who, emma watson, fables, fantastic four, fantasy, graphic novels, gunslinger, horror, Infinity War, jessica jones, joss whedon, karl urban, LOST, mission: impossible, movies, orphan black, rick flag, sci-fi, star wars, Stephen King, Suicide Squad, Supergirl, superheroes, Take That Science, ted dekker, television, the jetsons, x-files, x-men
Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono Sci-Fi News from the last 7 days
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It is reported that David Yates who has directed such things as Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and the television series State of Play which was turned into the Americanized feature film…
Ben and Matt review Fables volumes 1&2
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