Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono We open up with some “Legend of Zelda” news, and then discuss the fact that “Tenet” is a palindrome. And other news!
Episode 555: The DC Movie Disaster Continues and Other News
- April 18, 2017
- Tagged as: Avatar, Batgirl, batman, Beauty and the Beast, Black Adam, black cat, bride of frankenstein, creature from the black lagoon, Daredevil, doctor dolittle, Dune, fantasy, Gotham City Sirens, invincible, jungle cruise, LOST, man of steel 2, matrix, movies, New Warriors, Nightwing, overlord, planet of the apes, robin, sci-fi, Shazam, silver sable, squirrel girl, superheroes, television, The Batman, the defenders, The Invisible Man, The Matrix, The Mummy, the wolfman, Transformers, van helsing, Venom, video games, Wreck-It-Ralph
Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono In this episode we talk about recent DC Movie news, and discuss other news.
Episode 483: Mighty Morphin Power Heisenberg and Other News
- July 5, 2016
- Tagged as: 24: Legacy, alien: covenant, Aquaman, Batman: The Killing Joke, Beauty and the Beast, Breaking Bad, CW, darth vader, Finding Dory, Flashpoint, Independence Day: Resurgence, Indiana Jones, injustice: gods among us, Jack Bauer, Justice League, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Namor, orphan black, Power Rangers, Rogue One, Seveneves, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Star Trek, Star Trek: The Force Awakens, Suicide Squad, Supergirl, Superman, the flash, The Passion of the Christ, The Wolf Man, Wicked, Wild Wild West, Wonder Woman
Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono We have some pretty surprising casting news this week! Plus, we discuss lots of other things! Donate to help the Water Fund here: https://www.onedayswages.org/thescifichristian
Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono Josh Trank is no longer directing a Star Wars anthology movie. We talk about that, and other news, here!
Episode 348: The Dark Tower is Back Again and Other News
- April 21, 2015
- Tagged as: Age of Ultron, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, angel, apocalypse, avengers, Ballers, Beauty and the Beast, books, Brent Spiner, Captain Marvel, Celebrity Deathmatch, comics, Daredevil, Dwayne Johnson, fantasy, graphic novels, heroes reborn, Hulk, Ian McKellen, Independence Day 2, John Carter, joss whedon, Katee Sackhoff, Last Man on Earth, Leftovers, marvel, movies, Peter Parker, Pinocchio, Psylocke, sci-fi, Spider-Man, star wars, Suicide Squad, superheroes, television, The Dark Tower, The Hunger Games, The Odyssey, the rock, Tron 3, Twin Peaks, x-men
Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono In this short Sci-Fi News episode, we talk about the continued possibility of a Dark Tower movie series, and other news.
Emma Watson was big news in my neck of the woods this week. According to The Daily Pennsylvanian, the University of Pennsylvania’s independent student newspaper, the 24-year-old star of the Harry Potter film franchise had…
Episode 327: Doctor Who Enters the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Other News
- January 28, 2015
- Tagged as: apocalypse, Aquaman, avengers, baron zemo, batman, Beauty and the Beast, ben affleck, books, comics, crow, dark tower, david duchovny, david tennant, Deadpool, Doctor Who, emma watson, fables, fantastic four, fantasy, graphic novels, gunslinger, horror, Infinity War, jessica jones, joss whedon, karl urban, LOST, mission: impossible, movies, orphan black, rick flag, sci-fi, star wars, Stephen King, Suicide Squad, Supergirl, superheroes, Take That Science, ted dekker, television, the jetsons, x-files, x-men
Featuring Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono Sci-Fi News from the last 7 days
Just how often can one tell a “tale as old as time” before it becomes time-worn? That’s a question both The CW and ABC may be answering before too long. Within a week of each…
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